Does anyone know where ZX2NV (Jas) is?

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Zedipated, Aug 27, 2008.

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  1. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Saw the Mob,

    Quick pass me a pitchfork and a Torch!

    Hope this gets resolved soon. Bit concerning actually.

    Might have to get involved a little.

  2. Zedipated

    Zedipated Member

    Has anyone got an update from Jas yet?

    Just wondering if ANYONE has heard from Jas yet , it has been nearly a week and I am getting more concerned with the situation that is at hand, I just want to know if the BEET kit is still going ahead or if it isnt going to happen.
    If it isnt happening I would like to know ASAP, What will happen will we get a refund or what, Like everyone else who is looking for Jas We just want this to be resolved ASAP.
  3. Time Bandit

    Time Bandit New Member

    Just a educated Guess

    But i'd say there is no Beet kit or money,
    4 months since an update,:rolleyes: from a guy who used to make every second post.
    It's not as if he dosen't know people are concerned for their money or goods
    How hard is it to get on a computer and let everybody know what is happening.
    My money, and i would be heading to the nearest police station to begin recovery action.:mad:
  4. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    So he's actually had your money for 4 months?? And its thousands of dollars?? Wow. Not to discredit the guy, but if I was in that situation with anyone, particularly since they have dropped off the face of the earth since they got your money, I would presume it gone at this point and start some sort of action. I'm amazed everyones waited this long.
  5. Im Toasted

    Im Toasted now VD free!

    longer than 4 months dude, well for me anyway.

    i just left a voicemail with him, heard nothin back, he wont pick up.

    i say a full refund is in order me thinks. may talk to my cop mates today.


  6. ZEDZY

    ZEDZY Active Member

    Didnt he move house and loose internet connection or something ?
  7. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    **** yeah. Met Jason in the flesh once and he seemed like a nice guy, much quieter than on the forum. But there's nothing nice about going MIA with $10k plus of other people's money...
  8. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    If it was me, I would get his address and just start issuing claims through the small claims court. As long as you gave him less than $5k then this is the easiest option. It costs about $50 to register a claim and get a hearing date. You can drop the subpoena to him yourself or pay another $20 for a court official to do it.

    If he doesn't attend then you ask for a summary judgement to get your money back. If he's not there and you have evidence of the transfer then you get awarded the money. He gets sent the notice to pay. If he fails that then you return again and get another order for payment. This time the bailiff goes to his residence and just takes property that looks valuable. This is then auctioned and you get the proceeds. This includes car, computers etc.

    It takes some time to recover money this way, but hey, its already been 4 months.

    I doubt the police will be interested as its not criminal as you gave him the money.

    Just my 2c if it was my money. Getting the subpoena alone might be enough to wake him up.
  9. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    Sigh, come on jason. Didn't want it to come to this.

    He's knows we're waiting for a response by now, sucks I'm over in the west but if any of the guys over east want to start something up we might need to give him a final "contact us by this date" type notice.
  10. Im Toasted

    Im Toasted now VD free!

    thats the same way i feel, someone please let him no about the very possible court case and hopefully something good will come of this.

  11. ross

    ross Member

    try this maybe

    The last email address i have from him is , hope this helps.
  12. Zeb

    Zeb start young

    OK, so looks like we've tried just about everything. Ive called Jason loads of times and no answer, Ive tried getting on to him through his work but no luck either. If anyone has had any luck contacting him and would like to share please post up now.

    Otherwise, I am keen to see about how much money we are talking here so my suggestion is that all involved in group buys with Jason, email me at, the amount that they are out and what the item was they were waiting for is and their forum ID. We could then together plan a move to come up with a solution. Anyone not wanting to be a part of any group action just dont email details through.

    If anyone has a better idea, please feel free to let me know but I would like to take some action however small it is at the moment just to start the ball rolling.

    let me know what you think.

  13. mrkarter77

    mrkarter77 No Really, They do!!!

    Im keen for that... Ill email you details through.....

    Still havent heard anything back...
  14. Im Toasted

    Im Toasted now VD free!

    me either

    just emailed you Zeb

  15. Zeb

    Zeb start young

    right, got a few responses already. Just so we are a bit more organised, Ill put a format to follow below.

    Forum ID:
    Item Purchased:
    Amount paid:
    Amount still owing:
    length of time between first payment and today:
    Name (optional):

    if there are more than 1 item you have purchased please provide separate details for that item as below

    Item Purchased:
    Amount paid:
    Amount still owing:

    I will set up a data base of sorts and also have the potential to set up a private website to shre info with members involved somewhere off the forum.
    so email away and Ill keep you posted

  16. Im Toasted

    Im Toasted now VD free!

    time of first payment would of been same as you zeb (beet kit) sorry

  17. Zeb

    Zeb start young

    As I suspected:) no probs.
  18. ZisLuv

    ZisLuv New Member

    I suggest you talk to a lawyer. I have a feeling there is not much use to doing a group effort as the amounts will exceed the $5k limit that can be dealt with in small claims. A group claim would require a higher court, which requires lawyers to represent you and lots more $$ and effort.

    At the end of the day I bet you will be told just to each put in a small claim. Doesnt matter if your from a different state etc, they will just teleconference you.

    Im not a lawyer so I suggest you talk to one, but I have been around this stuff before so have an idea. Realistically you can either be bothered enough to chase the money or just let it go and rack it up to life experience.

    Possibly you may be able to file criminal charges for fraud, but I dunno how much the cops would really care to be honest.
  19. vbevan

    vbevan Active Member

    I'll e-mail you later tonight. just heading home.
  20. Zeb

    Zeb start young

    In agreement with Zisluv. The best thing to do with this might be separate small claims but I thought having a database of people and info regarding all transactions may be to our advantage.

    I also still hoping for a more diplomatic and less drastic solution. In any case, knowledge is power. Ill continue to build the database for those who email me and make it available to those members as they need it. below Ive copied the format again.


    right, got a few responses already. Just so we are a bit more organised, Ill put a format to follow below.

    Forum ID:
    Item Purchased:
    Amount paid:
    Amount still owing:
    length of time between first payment and today:
    Name (optional):

    if there are more than 1 item you have purchased please provide separate details for that item as below

    Item Purchased:
    Amount paid:
    Amount still owing:

    I will set up a data base of sorts and also have the potential to set up a private website to shre info with members involved somewhere off the forum.
    so email away and Ill keep you posted

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