Zed Head Help! (Reebo?)

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Smithie, Apr 5, 2004.

  1. Smithie

    Smithie New Member

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    Hey Guys, I need some advice regarding reconditioning heads.I blew a head gasket last month and have removed both heads and turbos with engine still in car. (thanks for the write up/pics reebo)Today I got the call from my local machining shop (Repco, Bendigo, yep I'm a country boy) with the bad news.
    Both heads are warped, one is 10 thou out and the other is 6 thou. I've been told there wont be much change from $1K. Is this respectable?Would I be better off reco-ing my heads or bolting a 2nd hand set in place? Its a bit of a stress at the moment as I was in the process of selling my zed :`( as I am tryin to finish my uni degree (as such I'm now poor). So I now need to get it fixed and sold asap (I'll do things properly though, so will spend the money and keep the receipts for prospective buyers to see.)Ta.
  2. JETzx


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    Might not have enough clearance if you

    machine too much, someone here should be able to tell you the maximum tollerance of machining the heads. Why did they say it costed $1,000 to just machine the heads?, if its 1k for a reco of two heads then that is a bit too cheap but what exactly are they replacing etc?
    Provided your heads are ok, i would just have them crack tested, then machined and fitted back to the car. Machining and crack testing should be no more then a few hundred. There is no point recoing the heads if your selling it, you will never get back half of what you spend, so if the new owner wants the job done let them do it.
  3. ENuffZ

    ENuffZ Diesel Driver

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    Give Jim @ Delta Engineering in Shepparton.

    a ring.
    Sorry haven't got the phone No handy.Cheers
  4. Zmokin

    Zmokin Agro

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    Call Flowcraft

    They did mine, And for 1k they did a heap of port work as well, (I had to supply the parts at this price) they have to heat the head in hot oil, and then bend them back straight again, if the bow is marginal they will just machine the heads flat top and bottom and shim the cam holders. Sounds fancy but fairly normal, you would probabbly be better off getting a second hand set. Anthony
  5. Smithie

    Smithie New Member

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    thanks guys..

    will give Delta Eng and Flowcraft a call.. then see what the general advice is.
    If the heads are really as bad as repco is making them out to be I'll get some second hand ones.Gotta look on the bright side, at least I now know a hell of a lot about stripping complex engines down! -you gotta wonder about those jap engineers sometimes.. is it something in their water??-

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