Worn Radiator Filler Neck

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Beavis, May 11, 2013.

  1. Beavis

    Beavis Member

    I have been having some issues with water disappearing from my cooling system. I used a pressure tester and can't find any leaks.

    I did notice however when I put the radiator cap back on I could pull the radiator cap off with my fingers. Even after adjusting the tabs I couldn't get it to stay.

    It seems that the filler neck to the radiator has worn. I can get the cap to seat with about 3/4 turn and it wont come off but I was wondering if there is a quick fix until I get a chance to replace the radiator?

    Worth putting some plumbing tape round the neck thread to help hold the cap on?

  2. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    it is possible you just need a new radiator cap.

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    My old radiator had the same problem and would leak out the cap. It only did it after I fitted a new cap ?. put the old one back on and never leaked. you could always try squeezing the tabs in with a pair of multi-grips to tighten it down.
    Cheers Dave
  4. stevearm77

    stevearm77 NA Compression + TT Boost

    Take caution with this, mine was worn the same way when I ran my old stock TT rad. Ended up leaking under pressure no matter what cap I had on there or how I tried to modify it & every third day temps would start rising due to coolant loss. My advice is bin that radiator before it costs you a rebuild & at least purchase an eBay 56mm alloy one as I did that runs rings around the shitty old stock ones.
  5. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    so I would most likely follow the advice of those who have had this issue as well.
  6. Beavis

    Beavis Member

    Just want to follow up on this thread.

    I changed the radiator cap for $10 and my cooling system is all working properly, the first time in months that the water level hasn't dropped.

    Sometimes the simplest/cheapest things fix the problem.

    Cheers for the help

  7. stumagoo

    stumagoo Active Member

    you are welcome glad we could help.

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