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Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by chewy, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    Blade83 came over for a run on Conzult and we got nowhere with it. Conzult would complain when it wasn't connected to the diagnostic port but would not complain when plugged in. So conzult could work out that it was connected to an ECU but couldn't understand anything coming back from the ECU - as if the comms had been cut from the Central 20 Eprom program.Anyway here's the usual snatch shots (I would have taken some more explicit ones but taking these on the front lawn on a fairly busy road was a bit daunting). Maybe next time we'll get Sarah around the back and take some better shots !![image]http://members.optusnet.com.au/rowatt/aus300zx/sarah_1.JPG[/image]

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