Stolen Plates!!!!!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by DBCAR, Jul 23, 2006.

  1. DBCAR

    DBCAR New Member

    This morning Gabby and I realised that both her number plates were stolen over night. And not just any plates, her dream custom plates of CHKMTE.

    If anyone notices these plates someone (eBay, driving, etc) can you please let us or the Glen Waverley police know?

  2. akeizm

    akeizm New Member

    Why someone would steal a set of places is beyond me...what the hell are you going to do with them. Hope you get them back. But where are you located?
  3. DBCAR

    DBCAR New Member

    we are located around the glen waverley area in vic.

    what i've heard is that plates being stolen has doubled due to the petrol price rise. the higher the price goes the more drive offs there are.

    really annoying. i'm gonna rivet my plates on tomorrow and i would recomend if people have personalised plates they do the same.
  4. !SLY300!

    !SLY300! Member


    sorry to hear that, it sux that ppl steal plates, i had mine stolen 3 months ago, and all it does it cause u a headache...good luck and hopefully they turn up
  5. CHILI

    CHILI Indestructable Target

    It's pretty easy to see why they steal plates. Take a look at petrol prices. They take your plates, they put them on another car, and then they do a runner at the local Service Station( right after refilling the car, and forgetting to pay). And who do the Police come looking for??? YOU! That's who. It's happening in Sydney in plague proportions.
  6. Hyper101

    Hyper101 Well-Known Member

    With the high incidents of plate thefts recently I changed the screws on my cars' plates to irreversible security screws, I highly reccomend people do the same.

  7. LazyZed

    LazyZed Active Member

    People can also steal them for the same reason that people steal street signs (road names): Souveniring.

    They will just keep them in their bedroom/gamesroom/wherever and laugh.

    Bad luck on the plates tho :( I want to get plates for mine too and this kinda thing is worrying

  8. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master

    where do you get these screws stu??

    and how do they work?? ie, what if I want to take the plate off in the future..??


  9. JEDI-77

    JEDI-77 Jedi Master


    sorry to hear about that pat..... I really really despise thieves...

  10. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    I wonder

    How many less 'drive offs' and plate stealing there would be if people had to pay first and then get petrol...

    Damn scum. Some people should never have been born. A useless troublesome stain of society...
  11. akeizm

    akeizm New Member

    Chili, thanks for explaining it. Didnt know that was going on, never herd of it before. But is it just happening with personalised plates?
  12. Hyper101

    Hyper101 Well-Known Member

    I have a bunch of security screws that I use for locking down computer gear at work. There are a few specialty shops that sell them.

    heres an example of what the screws look like

    your average plate theif wont have the right tools. Or you could always pop rivet the plates on, and drill it out if you need to remove the plates

  13. Hyper101

    Hyper101 Well-Known Member

    Actually I think personalised plates are more a trophy item. Where as stock plates are being stolen all the time for drive offs.

  14. SIM300


    It's already being talked about...

    & it would be a pain, how do you know how much it's going to cost to fill up? Maybe you put down a deposite :confused:
  15. FranZ


    We already do that at alot of servos in WA - especially the dodgier suburbs.

    It is annoying when you want to fill up but have no idea how much you need. Some servos work on a trust, you give them $20 and they trust you to only put $20 in. Others automatically stop at the amount you pay for.

    BP had pay at the pump by swiping cc/eftpos card but they stopped that - probably because it wasn't getting customers in the shop to buy food/drink etc.
  16. DooGz

    DooGz New Member

    i'd like to catch someone stealin plates... it's gotta be one of the most pathetic crimes anyone can get caught doing.

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