SlideWize. Gympie 13th June.

Discussion in 'Coming Events' started by KellyZX, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    Hey guys as in my other post. I am hosting a skid day. Originally it was for november, but due to heat etc i have gotten an earlier date.

    SlideWize is performed on a wet skid pan here in gympie at our advanced driver facility.

    Advanced tuition is provided on each course by one of the official instructors from roadcraft, and the day is finished with a time trial. There is also $100 in prizes to be won and a bbq lunch provided.

    Only downside is max of 16 cars.

    Where: Roadcraft advanced driver facility in Gympie (2 hours north of Brisbane.)
    Cost: $120 includes tuition, BBQ lunch and soft drinks.
    What: Entry for you and one freind into a SlideWize day.
    Bring: your car (& lots of fuel)! a chair, slip/slop/slap, camera.

    Spectators are welcome, however cars must be parked outside the gates, and spectators must either walk to the pan or get a lift.

    As for the tech day, since we are all up this way ANYWAY lol figured why not hold a tech day the following or prior day (depending on the day of slidewize) espicially since pex's was such a good turnout. Usual tech day antics, night full of piss, bbq, sleeping out and attempting to work on the zeds.

    All money must be paid no later then 4 weeks in advance. A big ask coz most of you will still be recovering from zed nats, but its the best date i can get before it gets too hots.

    will post a list from other forum of people with their names down, only 2 spots left unless someone pulls out
  2. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    1. Fate
    2. 571CKY
    3. Kiz
    4. MagicMike
    5. Archon
    6. PEXZED
    7. Ztoy
    8. Jasonic
    9. SXC_300
    10. BlueZ
    11. BlueZ's son
    12. Nasty Girl
    13. Kiz's non zed friend
    14. RJC300zx
  3. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

  4. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

    Just checked with my mate, he can't confirm until the day before payment is due :p So if there's other Zedders who wanna come instead they can take his place.:zlove:
  5. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    I'm out sorry, have to Work Saturdays.
  6. Archon

    Archon Power Overwhelming

    I'm tentitive atm. being that close. It also depends on when PEXZED's stunt day is set for.
  7. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe


    1. Fate
    2. 571CKY
    3. Kiz
    4. MagicMike
    5. Archon -maybe
    6. RJC300zx
    7. Ztoy
    8. Jasonic
    9. SXC_300
    10. BlueZ
    11. BlueZ's son
    12. Nasty Girl
  8. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    bump guys. need to know whos is and whos out. need payments by 13th may
  9. Martin

    Martin New Member

    waa!!! i love skidpan days but thats a BAD time for me, uni exam week :eek:
  10. Cam

    Cam ****

    Account details please.

    Nasty Girl is pulling out by the way, will be spectating from my passenger seat. :D

    1. Fate
    2. 571CKY
    3. Kiz
    4. MagicMike
    5. Archon -maybe
    6. RJC300zx
    7. Ztoy
    8. Jasonic
    9. SXC_300
    10. BlueZ
    11. Nick (BlueZ's son)
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2009
  11. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    sorry for the delay

    payments to made into

    A J Drew
    BSB: 084691
    ACC: 832519534

    please leave reference of - number plate/300zx
    571CKY/300zx or 521JTR:300zx.

    Also please add you number plate to the list beside your name so I know who is who.
  12. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    come on guys, I need 16 of you. don't make me invite skyline drivers lol
  13. Cam

    Cam ****

    I have friends with silvias too! :p

    Who's A J Drew?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2009
  14. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    He is the guy who runs it.

    Aaron is his name, if you guys are more comfortable paying me, and i will pay him i can put my details up.

    But it must be one or the other.
  15. Cam

    Cam ****

    I'd rather pay you but after we have confirmed the min number of entrants. If it falls through then I trust you more to give me my money back. :)
  16. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

    Yeh I agree.
  17. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    ok. well I will post up my details.
    It will be going through. however just a word of warning is there may be other people coming.

    I will let you know end of next week if there are all 300's or a few skylines and sils involved
  18. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    ok guys need to know who is coming and who isn't.
    If I don't have the numbers I am cancelling the event.

    So far I have got 1 definate.
  19. Kieren

    Kieren Active Member

    I'm a definite.
  20. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    haha your the definate i listed lol.

    Kiz, if you have some mates who would be interested in coming let them know.

    Now invite is to any form of car, so invite ya friends

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