SA EOI: Largs Bay Brekky!

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by 300ZXC, Feb 4, 2011.

  1. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    What are you smoking Tom. What are you referring too?

    But in all seriousness, would you have expected an invite in the first place....?

    And yes, its all becoming a joke now. Its been hrm, what, 14 months so far. Hurry the fk up! :mad:

    Back on topic. 26th is it? For sure?
  2. dieseldave

    dieseldave Well-Known Member

    Yeah sorry the 26th, typo..... Or was it? Any one that misses the breaky can come for a free track session on my front lawn its a two day event on the 29 and 30th of Feb.
  3. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    See u all there
  4. 300ZXC


    Oh Rod, you so funneh.
  5. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Serious? I have 2 questions to that. 1) How big is your bloody block?! 2) GoKarts or cars? haha

    Say what?
  6. mr zed x

    mr zed x chassis scrubbin..

    its a secret. :p for now!
  7. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Ah Chris..... you do realise there is no 29th (this year) or 30th in Feb... right?

    I would of expected this from Tom, but not you!

  8. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Thanks babe. This is why you're my secretary. I dont do know that...when was your bday again.... 2 or 3 days time?

    Tom albeit a little frilly. Is a numbers boy.....


    That is all.
  9. 300ZXC



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