P100 Fuel

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Eddie, Aug 10, 2013.

  1. Eddie

    Eddie New Member

    The new P100 fuel from United will the Ethanol cause issues with our fuel system, O-rings, pump, injectors. pressure reg.
    Anyone tried it yet.

  2. lysergic

    lysergic PWRTRIP

    Pretty much still a debated topic. I find the general consensus is old (1980s and older) rubber lines are the most likely to be affected but p100 is only 10% ethanol so i dont think you would notice. Some people have run e85 and higher on run of the mill rubber hose and not had an issue where others have ( probably cheap nasty hose)

    Go straight to e85 IMO.

    Some info here http://www.change2e85.com/servlet/Page?template=Myths

    You will want bigger pump and injectors either way
  3. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    Premium 100 is not new, has been available for several years. Use it in my racecars exclusively. Never had any issues with it in other cars (1990 Supra / 1995 FTO). For the 300ZX you will want to do the injector mod so they are powered on a switched circuit not powered always. Plenty of info on this just do a search on 300ZX & ethanol.
  4. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    For E85 yes, for Premium 100 or any e10 fuel unlikely, unless you're already around 90% duty cycle.
  5. Luke300

    Luke300 Member

    Iam using it no problems as yet with the fuel its cheaper than 98 caltex so I am saving there
  6. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

    It is a pretty good fuel and you will make more power with it if tuned correctly, just be very careful if you tune timing to Premium 100 (you can run a lot more advance) and then put a tank of 98 in, you will ping pretty bad and risk destroying your engine.

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