most frustrating mod

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by fat_mike, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Mclovin

    Mclovin Well-Known Member

    What about flushing the radiator? not hard to do but took 7 flush's to get mine clear....
  2. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    I haven't done too many mods myself, all pretty easy. however the most annoying for me was changing the stock gear knob. I totally destroyed it in the process. It didn't want to come off. Taking the control arm off was easier than that.
  3. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    mutter mutter mutter :mad:

    stupid place to put a bloody hose :mad:

    mutter mutter mutter :mad:

    a full day to replace one coolant hose from the turbo, the one that hugs the block on the drivers side and is sealed on tight, and complicated by pharkin spring clamps instead of screw clamps

    mutter mutter mutter :mad:

    I swear to god I can scratch my wrist with my thumb now.... and If I ever meet the person that came up with the idea of placing a rubber hose in a well heated area ( adjacent to the turbo and exhaust manifold), I'll happily show him my super dexterous thumb by poking his eye out with it

    mutter mutter mutter

    but thats a mantainance frustrating job.... as for a mod that shyte me orf....

    Upgrading the turbos......
    you couldnt pay me enough to do that one again !

    mutter mutter f#*kin .... mutter mutter .....

    bytch !
  4. Cam

    Cam ****

    :D You're on the ball Baz HAHAHA!

    I'd have to go with Dumps, Transmission Conversions, anything related to or with in a few inches of the turbos. I just can't stand limited hand access and finicky little shit that require circus level finger skills or ratchets with several extensions and uni joints to get it done. :mad:


    What was so bad about doing turbos ?

    yeh clutch replacement was a big job wrestling with that gear box isnt fun.

    Oh and lets not for get dump pipes expcialy CES ones oh geeze :(
  6. Boost Junkie

    Boost Junkie Member

    chipping out all the sound deadener and cleaning up the left overs was a royal pain in the ass i hated it so bad. closely followed by removing all excess wires from no longer used electrical components and smoothing and polishing the plenum. i had no finger tips for weeks.
  7. ZedEx

    ZedEx Dr No

    Engine in I presume. Would equal one huge PITA
  8. Z-Force

    Z-Force SHIFT_Charizma

    Lambo Doors...

    Installing Lambo doors was a bitch.

    Seems easy and all the video's on youtube make you think it's an easy job...but it's a bitch in reality.

    Whenever you have to get things lined up to the millimeter, you know you're in for many hours of cursing. But as you said, it's worth it in the end and once you're done you wonder why you were really swearing in the first place.

    I also seem to do these sorts of jobs on really hot days which adds to the frustration when you're sweating like a pig throughout it :)

  9. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    Its and easy job with the engine OUT .......

    But I thought I'd be smart and do em with the engine IN....

    Ya know what thought thought...... :help:
  10. Vizard

    Vizard Active Member

    for me removing the dumps / test pipes and installing the ntune's was annoying.
  11. WLDTTZ


    Oh righto far out lol that would have been a night mare :eek:

    My old mechanic did that once he said it was such a bith but he thought it would save him time. In the end he had to pul the engien any way for something else he had to replace he was not happy lol

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