Idiots got another plan.

Discussion in 'Technical' started by gargoyle, Jul 25, 2011.

  1. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    I've come to the conclusion that I'm a no hope zed addict. I've given in, it's too hard to fight. A great mid-life crisis mind you, seen a lot worse.
    I have a confession, I am now the proud owner of this lot.
    I just couldn't help myself, I know my peers understand.
    Anyhow, onto "the plan".
    I'll throw that lot into gargoyle with a shift kit and whilst the motor is out, change the heads to the reconed ones I have in the built motor as I need upgraded heads on that. I'll get something done about porting and polishing them while they're out too before going into gargoyle. Then I can use gargoyles heads to do up.
    Good plan?
  2. nemz

    nemz nemz cam: active

    haha very nice =]

    gonna be one mean clean zed once you finish
  3. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member


    Although at this rate it will end up at 5 zeds!!
  4. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    I solute you sir!
  5. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    Jeez, Gargles, had a good sale or two lately .... ????

    this sounds like you will be back onto the baked beans for a while ... lol.
  6. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Yep, working full time again for 3 months got me a lot of stuff.
    I've been prostituting myself for my zeds. My clients are real happy about me having them, they get their commissions quicker.:D
    My plan is once I get that lot done to zed one, all my efforts will go to zed two as one will be finished. What a sad day that will be. It's the journey for me, not the destination. But I have big plans for zed two.
    Anyhow, looks like I have a good plan and will go ahead with it.
  7. Adamness

    Adamness Active Member

    I think a necessary step is to get yourself a decent shed to shelter these beasts?


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