hot gearbox?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by scump, Mar 16, 2007.

  1. scump

    scump John Dorian

    hey guys i remember a while back BigBaz saying his gearbox was real hot, and it radiated through the gear lever...

    well its the same in my car, and it also radiates massivly through the footweels, gets quiet uncomfortable in the hot whether with my cc been broken... is this normal?

    could i go underneath and put in like aluminium or cf heat sheilding to stop it or what?

    how many other people got the same problem?
  2. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    i had a blister one day
  3. 300zxt

    300zxt Well-Known Member

    You sure it's got fluid in it? :p
  4. jet power

    jet power New Member

    You sure its not heat radiating off the turbos (assuming

    you have turbos)? Turbo heat is really accentuated on hot days.

  5. Mike80

    Mike80 New Member

    They pretty sure they have shielding above the box. Maby yours is missing
  6. scump

    scump John Dorian

    turbo heat could explain some in the footweel... but doesnt explain the stuff in the gear lever, maybe the heat sheilding was removed and not replaced?
  7. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    yes was replaced about 5000 ago
  8. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    could be but either way it is ouchy on a hot day
  9. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

    put everything back in there when i last touched it, and didnt look like anyone had been down there before
  10. Mike80

    Mike80 New Member

    Said bigbaz to the virgin :D
  11. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    $2 for a bag of ice

    and a free bucket of cold water for big baz and the virgin
  12. JT

    JT Track Addict

    Mine does it too. I assume its normal, been like it all 8 years of ownership.
  13. Chrispy

    Chrispy Pretentious Upstart

    Everyone blaims the poor gearbox...

    It's the exhaust, the cat's are directly below the shifter and they get very hot. This will be worse if the engine runs overly rich. Every Z I have been in is hot in the footwell/shifter area
  14. WazTTed

    WazTTed Grease Monkey

    ye wise man once said those without gearbox boots get cooked legs.. id be willing 2 bet u dont have the upper or lower boots on:eek:
  15. rob260

    rob260 Administrator Staff Member

    When I upgraded my dump/front pipes we heat wrapped everything back to the cats -could be that your dumps are getting hot and heating up the gearbox?

  16. scump

    scump John Dorian

    hmmm so ya reccon i go underneath and heatwrap EVERYTHING lol slash maybe the dumps/cats/above gb?
  17. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    mine gets warm as well but its been like that since i bought her. i don't worry about it too much as the car runs beautifully (touches wood).
    plus i've still got my aircon.
  18. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    Yeah my gear lever gets pretty warm and My car is running super rich.

    Can any exhaust shop do heat wrapping? About how much would you pay to have it wrapped for both engine pipes and cats?
    I do like the look of a heat wrapped exhaust. Looks very racey. And will protect the cats abit from scrapes.
  19. Jase

    Jase Not a Member.. The Member

    Ive experenced the same thing with mine, not so much from the gear leaver tho, more from the side part where your knee lies.


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