Hicas + Lights Warnings??

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Babbb, May 7, 2007.

  1. Babbb

    Babbb New Member

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    Hey guys, was wondering if anyone could help me out. I've looked over the tech section and can't find anything all that helpful.

    The other day my "Hicas" light turned on together with the warning next to it "lights". They turned on at the same time. Now I can't make them go away!

    The Power steering fluid was running a little low so I topped that up expecting it to make the Hicas warning turn off as it has in the past... this time it stays on.

    According to what I'm seeing in the tech section the "lights" warning refers to brake lights? (correct me if I'm wrong). I have since replaced 2 of the little bulbs that blew in the centre brake light panel yet the warning light remains... Could it have anything to do with the headlight that died on me about a week before these warnings showed up?

    It's an import 89 2+2 TT if that makes it any easier....

    Any ideas or advice would be awesome, thanks in advance guys :D

  2. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

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    I think they are two separate things.

    The Lights warning means you have a failed bulb in the rear end. Check them out and you will find one has gone to God. There is a little black box behind the rear trim that controls all of that.

    As for the Hicas light - if you are sure your fluid level is OK you have probably got the Hicas poltergeist just like a lot of us. There are a lot of theories on why this happens - try search and you will find them.

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