had an accident.. pics inside

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mafi-zed, Nov 13, 2006.

  1. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    I had an uncle who was run down and killed by a drunk truck driver while walking home. The dity mofo drove off and left my uncle face down in a puddle, so he got to breath in muddy water with his dying breath. It happened near a womans house who was sitting on her verandah at the time and noticed the truck lose control as it approached her house, she did not see my uncle get hit as it was dusk, but she saw enough to help the police catch the scum bag when they found my uncles body 15 minutes after the event (she called the police to report the drunk driving).
    So if I were mafi, Id be happy it was only poles, the car and licence that were damaged, because he is exactly just like the truckie only fortunately there was a pole located where he lost control. He is the same as Im sure the truck driver had no intention off killing someone, but it happened. Its no secret why he lost control, his brain was completely turned off, and had zero reaction timing (what you remember doing and what actually happened are two different things)

    Oh and get ready for insurance hassles from now on, high performance sports cars and a drink driving record really dont impress them, you may find quite a few unwilling to insure you for driving ever again.

    Well live and learn Mafi, dont do it again and next time your off to hit the piss, leave the car at home and stay away from the road.
  2. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    the doctor's diagnosis ..... this one is in definite need

    .. of led, lead enlightenment ... for this amazing miracle (religious ..??) cure, go to that wonderful ebay temple (religious ..??), named by the prophet (religious ..??) as "warner_jp" ... and please note, you wonderful search-free friends out there, i will not reveal to you again, this source of amazing non-denominational salvation .. (oops .. possibly religious, again ..)..

    just way too amusing to take seriously ...... lol....:D :p :p ;) ;) :eek: :eek:

  3. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    the way i see it, and this is just my view.
    if your going to pay $3-$4k for a lawyer to try and reduce your sentence and penalty, to me your not really taking the lesson to be learned too seriously.

    it does suck that you will lose your licence, but thats life, you take the risks, you accept the penalties.
    to me a lot of people forget, a licence is a privilege, its not something that is just handed to you. its a responsibility.

    btw: mafi this is in no way directed specifically at you, this is just me presenting my opinion to a range of people. i'm sure you understand what you've done etc.
    sorry to hear about the damage of your car, and i'm glad your at least alive to tell the tale and educate other people on the mistake that was made.

    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist


    Sorry to hear about th accident and the loss of licence. Chin up mate.. lesson learnt and will be over before you know it...

    Best of luck mate.


  5. method

    method Active Member

    Any individual with some common sense would rather have no license for 1 year and take a $1000 dollar fine over 2 years and a $5000 fine. What you said is utter rubbish. If ANYONE went to court for any reason and didn't want to try to reduce their sentense/fine/penalty, they are just being foolish. That has nothing to do with learning the lesson or taking it seriously.


    XTREME ZX ZED Xtremist

    i served a 2 yr suspension plus 2 yr good behavior bond for a hell of alot less.

    i also got slapped with a $1350 fine... PLUS a 1 yr probation when i get my licence back. THe issue was that if you contest you risk getting a harsher conviction. In any case i didn't want to probe that path JUST in case...

    Method, Sometimes its best to take it on the chin rather than detest.. It happens all to often where the Magistrate decides to blame you for his daughter/sons death by a drunken fool. In any case... "Do the Crime Do the Time"


  7. FranZ

    FranZ franzonline.net

    I think alcohol clouded your judgment and car control. Sorry to hear about it.
  8. rollin

    rollin First 9

    There is a big difference between contesting and pleading for lenience, i think some of you are missing that completely, i dont see anything wrong with trying to minimise the penalty, that odesnt make him less of a man, regardless of that, getting some good legal advice prior to court is only a good thing.

  9. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

    i still think jaybo has a point there.....licence is a privalage 4 sure...
  10. method

    method Active Member

    I disagree again, even a monkey could get his/her license in Australia with our crappy testing systems.

  11. angrybear

    angrybear Moderator

    Baz, I'm starting to get worried about you....

    5,000 posts seem to have got you intoxicated, or a good red has intervened. Anyway, your posts are getting as cryptic as the Times crossword - don't stop though :eek:



  12. BigCol

    BigCol That's what she said...

    But it would still be a privilege - and not a right - for said monkey.
  13. rollin

    rollin First 9

    yeah i think ill go stir em up on TT.net soon ;)
  14. mafi-zed

    mafi-zed the resident hoon

    c'mon guys no more shit stiring each other.. its not what i wanted in this thread, we all love the 300zx and thats all that matters, the thread was about my mistake that i made on early monday morning i dont want to see any more heated posts between members.

    i will seek legal advice definatly, i just cant afford proper representation seriously.. i just cant.
    i will however attend the drink driving course prior to the court date, i will also take the free represenation the court provides, its all i can do in the situation, i know i will get raped in court and im preparing my mind for it.. im accepting atleast 2 yrs minimum.. i dont really expect less than that..

    the only thing im having trouble comming to terms with is telling my family and closs friends, as i know my family (beind my grandperants) may have a heart attack over it.. im really morally ****** over here.. alot of my friends have been in my situation and know what im going through so telling them wont be as hard.. but still is anyway.

    i really am so ashamed of myself, i can only look forward to the future and going to japan to teach english which was a dream a year ago is actually starting to look inviting.

    please no more arguements, settle it in pm or just leave it be, guys pls.

    i know having a lisence is a privilege, its a privilege i've lost, and i hate it.. every car i see drive past me just makes me more angry at myself, i hate it and i should have known better. i ****** up so hard.
    Last edited: Nov 15, 2006
  15. rollin

    rollin First 9

    I was only joking about stiring up on TT. net, but i see your point
  16. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    A-Bear do not worry-lah ... HE, who is all knowing, will

    totally understand .. lol..lol... time to chill out, methinks ... !!!:D :D :D :D

  17. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

    fair enough method, your point has been taken, i've taken yours, no need to start calling it rubbish.

    think this thread has had enough said about everything eh.

    try not too worry too much when you tell your family mafi, it'll be alright.
    it was a mistake, the only thing worse than a mistake is not learning from it.
    i get the feeling you've definitely got over halfway with the learning.
  18. rollin

    rollin First 9

    Yeah i think just about everything has been covered lol.
    informative thread to say the least!!
  19. ed300zx

    ed300zx Active Member

    mate.....sorry to hear......those pictures are what we all dread....hope your ok...but most of all..... cant wait to see her all rebuilt :D
  20. sandeep

    sandeep Active Member

    errr.... erik... this thread's like 7 months old...
    i remember reading it just before i became a member. was a good read at the time.


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