Good for a laugh

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by zx299, Sep 8, 2003.

  1. zx299

    zx299 Well-Known Member

    A man and woman had a son but when he was born all he was was a head. The doctors didn't expect him to live very long. But the boy survived, so on his eighteenth birthday his father took him out to a bar for a drink.
    The father ordered his son a scotch and when the boy drank it, out popped an arm. He was ecstatic so he drank another shot, and out popped another arm. Now the boy was in glee, so he drank another shot, and out popped a torso. And so on and so forth, until there was a whole body.
    The boy was so happy that he ran out of the bar and into the street and got hit by a 300zx, killing him instantly. A drunkard in the corner looked at the father and said, ''He shoulda quit while he was a head!''

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