Front bar confusion

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by KellyZX, Jun 14, 2009.

  1. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    Hey guys.

    I recently purchased my new zed. Thankfully it arrives on tuesday finally. However, looking at the pic, The front bar has me a little confused. Due to the slots, I thought it was an AB Flug, however in looking, I can't seem to find this particular one. Anyone got any ideas?

    This is the pic from the ebay ad
  2. Benny_C

    Benny_C About as subtle as...

    Ask ugame, it'sthe same bar as his. :)

    btw, nice looking Zed!!! can't wait to see it. :)
  3. K-zed

    K-zed Secret Squirrel

    I'm not very barred-up ;) but good to see you with a new Zed :D
  4. KellyZX

    KellyZX IceTeazZe

    Haha Thanks benny! I hate the Wheels though.. they are 3 spokers, and I just don't like 3 spokers.. oh and lets nnot start on the drift wing on the back lol.
  5. ugame

    ugame user #1

    Got your PM.

    Yep same as mine. Its an ABFlug Type1

    I HATED mine pre purchase of the car (only ever seen in pictures before I took ownership of the car), and i swore blind it would be the first thing to change.

    It's still on the car. I LOVE it.

    Its unfortunately fussy about what angles you photograph the car from. Its a bar that can very easily look ugly in a 2D photo as the "shelves" on the front corners look HUGE.

    In person, its an awesome and very different front bar.

    It's now part of what makes my car what it is. I wont be changing.

    Congrats on your new Zed btw. Nice to see what this bar looks like in black.

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