Engine number

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Horsepower Freak, Jan 26, 2012.

  1. Horsepower Freak

    Horsepower Freak Horsepower Freak

    Hey guys trying to find where about the engine number is located so i can get my road worthy done, any help on where abouts it is or how i get to it?

  2. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Drivers side behind the head near the firewall.
    Bright light and probably a dental mirror.
    best to use an edoscope (wand camera thingy)
  3. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    What Graham said but with pictures.

  4. black baz

    black baz black 'n blue Bazemy

    you are very nice boys Brisz and Graham .....

    ... wonder whatever happened to search ... lol.
  5. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    Instead of throw the search quote at everyone, why not just help?
    This forum was established on helping people.
  6. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    Its the old.

    The OP has been a member since 2008 he should be starting to get the idea.

    If in 3 years he cant search a topic as common as this, its a very fair comment.
  7. gmbrezzo

    gmbrezzo Moderator

    True, but OP being a member since 2008, and asking an engine number location, bit strange !
    Thats a first year learing thing.

    No doubt there will be some noobs going "That's where they hide that number !" :)
    Its all good.
  8. brisz

    brisz Well-Known Member

    Using advanced search, searching titles only, "engine number".

    Take your pick !

    The OP probably didnt think to search, if he didnt know the answer, he probably didnt know how common a question it is.

  9. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

    if we all searched, there'd be no new posts LOL

    TWIN TERROR Well-Known Member

    If you want to see a search Nazi go to the Xtrail forum. The moderator locks posts straight away after telling posters to search. The blokes a dick as it stops freindly banter and is really quite anti social. Ours is a much more friendly way of doing things although posters still get told to search by someone they also get new ideas which help everyone in the future. I could just see their tech days going like this.( Hey Joe whats that - do a search mate it been answered in a previous post ). Why have a Forum when asking questions is frowned upon ?.

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