Dontex - A service review.

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Slithz, Jun 27, 2013.

  1. Slithz

    Slithz Member

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    Dontex is a pretty well known business name around the forum, so I'm really just reaffirming what many others have said before. I feel that accolade is still due however.

    Long story short, my auto climate control shat itself and whenever activated the aircon came on at maximum regardless of desired temperature. When you drive to work for 20 minutes at 3:30 am this is a problem; a potentially hypothermia inducing problem.

    Naturally I came crying to the forum to seek the knowledge of those that actually know what spanners are supposed to be used for (the closest I've come is as a really heavy backscratcher). Conzult and several other remedies were offered (all of them were somewhat on the mark and I believe I owe a few "thanks" to some people).

    Through some further googling and forum searching I ended up on the doorstep of Dontex and departed with my beloved gun metal 2 + 2 auto TT. I basically asked for a boost leak check and for the climate control to be repaired if possible. Over the course of a week Warren (I think?) provided very patient and regular updates on the progress made. It turned out to be a screwed plastic gear that had become brittle with age, resulting in the failure of a door somewhere not opening when it should. It was a full dash out job that required a bit of improvisation in the form of parts scavenging and some self made components (I won't even pretend to understand what he was actually doing inside there).

    When the pick up day arrived I was dumbstruck at the extra lengths taken on his part to look after the customer. The zed was cleaned and gleaming inside and out (fellow gun metal zedders will likely relate to how dirty your zed can become before you actually realise it's unclean, also it's a daily so it sees its fair share of dust and dirt). He also threw together a new mounting system for that pesky left pod with all the aircon gear on it; we all know how worn they can become with time. I also got a very comprehensive list of things on the zed that will need a little maintenance in the not too distant future, also gave it a full flush.

    Playing around with the heater with the dash out is a complex process in itself. The total cost for all the work was a mere $1500. I will definately be going there again, despite the travel time between Narre and Vermont.

    RENZED Girl in the black beast

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    Glad you had a good experience with them :)...

    I love Dontex :zlove: that's why I travel all the way from Bendigo to get my car serviced there, I have had many dealings with Warren and he is really a great guy, keeps you informed throughout the whole process..absolutely FANTASTIC service!

    Joe has moved on from Dontex now to "Black Stallion Motors" now there's a couple of places you can take the zed, mind you it's only around the corner apparently lol
  3. beaver

    beaver southern zeds

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    yarra valley
    A mere

    1500:eek: well i'm glad your happy and warm again, but that non opening door you speak of was possibly just a broken clip on the control rod.
  4. jeff300

    jeff300 New Member

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    not suprised he washed it for you,had to make up the extra 700 he charged you lol
    Yeah,ive had some work done there,they were pretty good but so is the zedshop and a few others
  5. Nauraushaun

    Nauraushaun New Member

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    I had a similar experience a few months ago when I was there. Standard $300 service, included just about everything you could ask for. Gave me a list of things that should be fixed, price etc, all tires pumped up including spare, handbrake adjusted to have less slack...gosh there were more things but I can't remember. Drove out feeling very satisfied.
    And dat MightyBoy...:D

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