Bullus' dead Z

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Bullus, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. Bullus

    Bullus New Member

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    so was leaving work on Wednesday and taking off from the lights my foot jammed between the brake and accelerator ... lets just say the result wasn't too pretty.... so surprised to walk away with only 4 minor scratches on my right hand and a sore back/ neck for couple of days, thank god I still had a loan against it and had to have comprehensive insurance




    so after i buy back the salvage, who wants to help me finishing fixing my other Z that brytech probably didn't nothing to in the year he had it except still parts from

  2. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

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    That is poo mate, Glade the injuries weren't any worse! What happens now?
  3. Shane001

    Shane001 Well-Known Member

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    Damn that's a big hit! You're very lucky to walk away with scratches.

    What did you hit? I'm guessing a tree or power pole. There's a fair bit of wood embedded in that door.
  4. Bullus

    Bullus New Member

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    just cars was meant to send assessor to tow truck yard on friday so next week i should hear back from them next week, is agreed value comprehensive at $11,400 or there about, and will be most likely buying the salvage back off them to fix my other Z. and yeah was a tree, that is all bark though not wood, barely scratched the wood behind the bark :eek: foot jammed and i went foot to the floor, and had to turn to avoid smacking into the back of a motorbike and that put me into a spin, bounced over the curb almost backwards into the tree, bounced off that and through couple of bushes with foot still jammed and wheels spinning, coming to rest with my car nose jammed against the first tree and my engine at rev limiter, 2 guys came out of nearby house and helped me out drivers window after i finally got my foot free, but yeah if i hadn't of jammed against the first tree again i would have shot back onto the road, and god only knows what that would have meant,

    also soon as i got out of the car after checking myself for injuries i borrowed one of the guys who came to help phone and call local police station and they told me they didn't care cause my car wasn't on the road, so then i called just cars on the dude's phone to arrange a tow, and while on the phone to them, cops arrived as result of a 000 call and tried their hardest for over 1/2 hr to get me to say that my foot wasn't jammed til after the crash, cause the 2 guys who helped me out told them my car was hitting the rev limiter while wedged against the tree, finally after the cops couldn't get me to change my story and admit to shit that didn't happen and saying i was lying at least 4 times, they ticketed me for careless driving. can't wait to fight that one in court (i don't have to go to court but i will fight it), cause their whole assertion of the charge is the statement of the lady who called 000. but seriously.... pretty scummy she called police on me over fireies or ambos, if i saw someone go into a tree like that, i would call ambo / fireies first thing, and realistically they can't proceed with the charge/ ticket if they can't produce her in court, and if they do i am more than happy for a contempt of court charge for telling her i think she is scum, not for calling the police, but for not calling ambos / fireies first
  5. nick300zxtt

    nick300zxtt Member

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    Absolute disgust in some people and their behaviour/attitude's. For all that lady "knew", you could have been having a stroke, heart attack or anything. But nope, cops will sort you out lol

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