Minimum Speed Limits

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by HaylZ, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. HaylZ

    HaylZ Shaven Haven

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    Just wondering if you legally can not go slow on NSW (or anywhere in Aust) roads. I remember seeing something on tv where in parts of England they actually have a minimum speed limit, so you can actually get pulled over for going to slow! Last night on my way home there was someone infront of me doing 60km/h on the M4 in the right hand lane. It's not like it was busy or there was anyone infront of her, the speed limit is 90 and cos everyone would come up behind me pretty fast and then change lanes to go around us there wasn't a gap for me to get around for ages!

    Even though there aren't any "keep left unless overtaking" signs on the M4 i was still flashing my lights at her and hoping SHE would change lanes, but no luck. Is keeping left unless overtaking just a courtesy, or is that actually illegal??
  2. akeizm

    akeizm New Member

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    Its the law you have to keep left unless overtaking, over a speed limit which is over 70 - 80 I think I cant exactly remember. But you need to keep left in a 90 zone thats for sure.
  3. OdinZ

    OdinZ New Member

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    It is certainly illegal to stay in the RH lane on the highway unless overtaking, even without signs, know of people being booked for it:cool:
    I hate them fools who do it too!:mad:
    As for minimum speed... Funny story>
    When i did my driving test (when 16-17) to get my liscense, i was nervous and trying to do everything right. Anyway, i lost a point for driving too slow to begin with!:eek: LOL
    Trust me, that doesn't hapen anymore!:D LOL.
    Have also seen people being pulled over for going too slow on highways, it is dangerous driving! Which is thus against the law.
  4. aK

    aK Banned

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    Iv seen signs saying stay left unless overtaking on the M4 - did you horn & high beam

  5. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

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    I also lost points for going too slow in my driving test... I didn't see any sign for a 70 zone, and I was doing 60 to be sure...
  6. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

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    Yeah that happened to me in my driving test, well one of them but thats another story, my aunt got pulled over in canberra for driving too slow
  7. cherryZ

    cherryZ Truth Addict

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    How can you speed in Canberra...the place is just a network of random roundabouts? :D
  8. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

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    man that place is so confusing, it just keeps going round and round
  9. jaybo

    jaybo New Member

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    don't know about the rest of the island, but in WA its illegal to go more than 10km/h below the speed limit.
    you never really see this enforced though.

    i read a book a while ago on the rewards of patience etc., and it said, next time you get caught behind a slow driver, sit behind them until you need to pull off or they do. this will teach you how to be patient etc.
    i tried it, at first its frustrating, but then you think, is it really that necessary that i go fast etc.

    the same as when you see people darting through traffic, going 10 over the limit, they pass you etc. then 5 mins later your sitting at the lights and they are one car behind you. gotta love it!!
  10. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

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    Ah good old Canberra

    Dunno about the network of roundabouts comments, I use very few of them. But the roads are nice and wide, good condition, permanently off peak (compared to Sydney metro) and roads can go on for quite a long time without traffic lights or intersections :)

    On my way to work (16km) I encounter 5 traffic lights. Most of which are green for me :) And only 1 roundabout :p

    Also if you go off the roundabout, it wont go round and round so much :p

  11. pexzed

    pexzed Forum Administrator

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    Well, sometimes the driving conditions

    won't allow you to drive at the speedlimit, like heavy rain, or just heavy traffic.
    Tha'ts why police don't usually enforce regulations such as this. However, if someone is driving slow for no obvious reason and they are a hazard to other road users, then the police might pull them over.
  12. cr31

    cr31 Zed Lover

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    There arent any set minimum speed limits, but if your going slow, the err.. Police can accuse you of 'obstructing traffic'
  13. bigbaz

    bigbaz New Member

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    Anyone else been up the F3 recently, Sydney for everyonr reading this in other states, they have a normal speed limit and a wet weather speed limit, wierd
  14. MagicMike

    MagicMike Moderator Staff Member

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    Had a really windy day up here a few weeks ago and they reduced the speed along the Gateway bridge because of it :(
  15. kade_744

    kade_744 has largest member

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    Back when we had a guy come to school to tell us shit about getting our learners someone asked if you could go too slow. He said it is illegal to do 15km under the speed limit. (QLD)
  16. IBBI

    IBBI Active Member

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    Well lucky you dont live on the central coast(which is just slightly north of sydney)......All older people here, its nice, but as there are pretty much all single lanes even the pacific hwy well yeh for sure there is a hold up....worst is once a old lady was doing like 20-25 in a 60 zone(probably enjoying the drive) and i was in a rush and she just would speed up so i just had to cross the double line and then she started to beep at me so i just ran just incase they got my plates( ive had tonnes of elderly people try to note down number plates...not mine).

    Anyways i would think people would drive faster...especially in sydney....i mean traffic normally flows like 10kms faster
  17. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

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    Its F***ED in QLD!

    I live on the southside and most the work i do is on the nth side! Without traffic it takes about 30 - 35 minutes to most sites i service from home. But thats ONLY if i leave home before 5AM! if i leave any later the same trip takes
    from 530AM = 35 minutes
    600AM = 50 minutes
    630AM = 65 minutes
    700AM = 75 minutes+

    its only baout 40 - 50 k's!

    AND EVERY DUMB MOFO on the road sits on the right hand side of the friggin road.. Its a shit fight for it too even merging traffice merge from the far left to the far right!

    It should be compulsory for people who either arent confident in their own abilities or are driving to conditions to what THEY feel safe at should fuck off home and not frigging drive! FFS!:mad: :mad: :mad:

    Whe the fuck should i be forced to sit behind 2 mofo's driving side by side (only 2 lanes on the Gateway) with 10ks of clear road in front of them??

    Same goes for trucks! If you dont have the power to pull a given load at the signed speed limit fuck off as well! (im 3rd generation truck driver - no i dont drive now!! btw!) and i still dont friggin appreciate their antics!

    In NZ they have a fine for dumbarses like those above that IMPEAD THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC!

    If i was in government i would make it compulsory for trucks to keep left at ALL times!! During 5AM - 9PM on urban highways (no overtaking either) same for anyone towing a caravan and or mentioned above!:mad: :mad: :mad:

    Dont get me started! :eek:

    ... just my 10% good and services to the forum:rolleyes: Cheers!
  18. kade_744

    kade_744 has largest member

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    the topic isnt funny I know exactly how you feel, but that my friend is a bloody good rant if i have ever seen one :cool:
  19. growtalski

    growtalski RedWhiteZ

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    I agree

    I agree 100% with you. The gateway is a joke!! How often are you sitting behind a truck in the right lane trying to pass a truck in the left lane. The right lane speed may be 1-2kmph faster than the truck on the left then you hit a hill and they both drop down to like 60-70 kmph!!!!

    Not to mention all the doofuses that sit in the right lane and are not even doing the speed limit. Same goes for people on the M1 they sit in the far right lane doing 100kph in a 110 kph zone, which in normal driving conditions should only be used for over taking and should be kept clear so emergency vehicles can get past etc...

    Don't even get me started on the Gold Coast drivers too!! 60 kmph on 80 kmph roads seems normal, take Bermuda street and Olsen ave as two examples. Not to mention the dumbo's that are stopped at traffic lights behind a car in the left lane pull out into the right lane (often when you are approaching from behind) Then when the lights go green they crawl off the lights!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: And all the ignoramus that can't use and signal properly at roundabouts. Especially the one next to carrara markets!!!

    It seems that with the rise of the cops scare tactics speeding campaign and fuel prices that most people aren't even doing the speed limit in normal driving conditions argh!!!!

    No wonder people get road rage, I was having this same conversation with a few guys from work today.

    I just wish that people would do the speed limit or keep left unless overtaking, simple.

  20. Evil Twin

    Evil Twin Time to 'Suit Up'!

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    good to know im not the only one... thought i was going MAD!

    I do at least 600 - 700ks aweek.. And i too have this same conversation/argument every other day!

    I even used to fight with the ladys at the toll booth b4 the gateway bridge!:mad:
    One day she asked me (before i got etag/etoll) why do i always pay with $50's?
    I said "to piss you guys off! - im sick of paying tolls on a goverment road! i pay taxes left right and centre, why the fuck should i pay tolls as well?
    The reply -
    "dont you want a new bridge? thats what the tolls are for!"
    me -
    "A new bridge? Its the tolls that are slowing the flow of traffic! - besides the roads need to be widen to at least 6 lanes each way before we worry about some stupid bloody bridge.... i need to GET to the bridge in decent time before that concerns me" (toned down version);)

    But thats their attitude! I read somwhere recently that 3/4 toll companies in Australia are owned by the Maquarie Bank.. so that explains why we are paying and paying and paying for shit that was paid off along time ago! Everyone has been HAD!

    I would be happy to pay tolls if i could see the money being spent CONSTRUCTIVELY! ITs like all QLD infastructure and resource management and facilities and services... IT DOESNT EXIST!

    No one has the the FORETHOUGHT to future proof anything! That why we are on level 4/5 water restrictions because theres NO water, why the roads cant cope, hospitals are a joke, theres fuck all police if you need em, and then WE have to PAY FOR IT!

    Water rates go up because they forgot to realise that as more people move here they use more of it! SO now WE have to pay for dams and desalanisation plants to be built all too late!

    In summary if you have a car accident.. the police wont arrive till they can finish their last 6 jobs they have been lumped with. THEN have to negotiate through peak hour traffic and all the sticky beaks that have to have a gork at your sorry arse on the road!

    You will have to take a number when you get to hospital to have your arm stiched back on cause theres only 2 nurses and some indian guy called Patel! But thats ok he's cheap!:eek:

    And NO you cant have a drink of water.. Theres not enough to go around!
    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    And Beattie he's on the ball though! He has made himself the appointed minister for water! We'll just make everyone drink "recycled" shitty water that came out of there arse! AND we'll make em pay a premium for it!


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