Names these connectors

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Raheen, Aug 1, 2008.

  1. Raheen

    Raheen Active Member

    Trying to get everything back together after a plenum pull however not sure where these go:

    1. These are on the drivers side, the are next to the plenum

    2. These are at the back of the plenum, Passengers side

    3. This one is a lone connector, passenger side half way between battery and throttle body sensor
  2. rom-vg30dett

    rom-vg30dett Always Broke

    top ones are aiv, egr and either vct or o2 sensor for the big connector. middle pic they are iacv and air regulator, bottom pic is the prvr.
  3. zed4life (

    zed4life ( Ω vicarious zedder Ω

    2nded- What ROM said

    PS: Don't forget to clean all the terminals of the green crap and retension them:zlove:

  4. hukie90

    hukie90 300TTorrr?

    yea, that corrosion really don't help the car on the plugs, u can get a spray to kill corrosion and then u just brush it out and make sure u hair dry them before u put them back because sometimes they stay wet and will drop cylinders out. just a problem i had wen i had someone help me do it. :)
  5. Ifonly.....

    Ifonly..... On Rails

    You can replace most of the connectors with corrosion on them with new ones. And by the looks of the pictures you are missing the clips on the connectors.

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