z32 vs cima

Discussion in 'Technical' started by Sav, Mar 4, 2007.

  1. Sav

    Sav New Member

    From the pics I have seen the cima has a single plenum. Alot like those elephan jobs people have been doing..... Is there an advantage to a plenum like this or is it just a sill thing nissan did?
  2. MikeH

    MikeH smeg

    I think we just got a dual throttle body due to space limitations, the runners need to be a reasonable length for performance at low-mid revs (street use).
  3. 260DET

    260DET Active Member

    The Cima VG30DET engine has a single turbo feeding through two throttle bodies. The plenum looks simple on the outside but is a bit complicated, as the Japanese tend to do.
  4. j-lew

    j-lew New Member

    Dont know if this is a stupid question

    But does the single turbo fit into the z32 any easier than a normal na - tt conversion?

    Does anybody know of anyone thats done this?

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