TNT damaged the Zed when transporting back to WA (rant inside)

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by DUB, May 5, 2005.

  1. cbzx

    cbzx cbzx

    persistance usually wins

    Find a good lawyer to submit and fill out the claim forms you have total support of the forum and all of us at easter that were there.
    We all feel for you and hope that we may help.Chris K.
  2. Cra-Z-Boy

    Cra-Z-Boy no nissan at all :(

    hey brad you know where I live come and see me if you want to carry on
  3. tezza

    tezza New Member

    I agree with going through your insurance company

    You pay for them so let them earn there keep. and after all this is what they do best they dont want to have to coff up the $$ to fix it so they will hunt down TNT for the damages.

    Look at it this way you have informed TNT and they want to run you around. Take the stress of you and hand it over to professional shit kickers. Ie your insurance company.

    Hope it all gets fixed up for you. I have heard nothing but awsome reviews about your ride. pitty i havent been albe to see it.

    good luck
  4. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Grown some balls now hey, how about you do your sleazy

    work somewhere else buddy boy, the more people I tell about your conduct with me and mine the better I feel.

    All your lies have not gone untold to me, and will not be tolerated anymore. You outstayed your welcome a long time ago.
  5. azzurro

    azzurro Boostin Outlaw

    Agreed - Insurance is money wasted if u know ur not at fault - make em work
  6. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Update: >>

    Rang my insurance company (Shannons) and they were nothing but the biggest help :D They suggested (I didn't even have to) a no fault claim and have arranged for their assessor to come out and take a look over the Zed. Turns out the guy I was talking to had his 9 second drag car (13BT) damaged by the same mob so he knew exactly how I was being treated. Nice one. They also asked if I had chosen a repairer. Straight on with the job!

    TNT's assessor came out the other day and took some photos etc. I asked what would happen now? "I don't know"
    OK, when will you know? "I don't know"
    OK, who will you report to and when can I contact them? Gives name of guy but still doesn't know when he will see him.
    OK, what is your assessment of the vehicle so far? "I can't tell you"
    OK, who do you really work for? "We are independent of TNT" but they are your major business though? "I can't tell you that"

    I think you guys can get the drift of what they are going to try, so probably 10 minutes after he left (skillfully dodging any real answers to my questions) I was on the phone to Shannons. Will keep you posted :)
  7. Audiobuzz

    Audiobuzz The Ghost Of AB

    Good to hear shannons are on the ball...

    Don't let TNT get out of it and make sure it doesn't affect your premium.


    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    Good to hear that Shannons are looking after you....>>

    Makes paying all those $$$$ in premiums worth it.
  9. Shifter

    Shifter Active Member

    Just for TNT's arrogance

    get them to replace the skirts with these if you can:
    2000 model side skirts

    I cant believe their lack of compassion through all this. Hope everything will work out for you and Good to hear Shannons are on the job.
  10. DinoZ

    DinoZ Talks sh#t for a living.

    Hope you took a pic of the mystery assessor

    so the "shannon gang" can hunt him down.;) :LOL: :thumbsup:
  11. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    Great to hear the your car is going to fixed good to go for tech day
  12. chewy

    chewy Active Member

    who's ever had their car transported successfully without damage?

    Sounds like no transporter is capable of transporting Zeds without damage.
  13. RedZedMikey

    RedZedMikey RZM should now be DZM


    I had a Fiat with a broken gearbox (just realised, the trend started there) transported from Gundagai to Perth in 1977 without any damage. OK it wasn't a Z, but back back in 12BZ perhaps people and businesses took more pride in their job.
  14. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Don't know about that Mike...

    When we moved to Perth from Sydney in 1982 my wife's volvo had the exhaust ripped off it. Don't know who transported it back then but my company sorted it all out for me. I don't think anything has changed - doesn't matter who you choose - they obviously aren't very good at it.:(

  15. NoZed(NoMore)

    NoZed(NoMore) New Member

    I had my Z shipped from Queensland to Hobart

    by TNT about a year ago. No problems at all. Luck of the draw it seems.
  16. DUB

    DUB BRAMIS Photography

    Final update, good news from Shannons :D

    I had the Investigator out yesterday for Shannons and he went over the Zed to verify the damage. After confirming the damage with reference to the report and quote to repair he simply says "Yeah, book it in with the repairer"

    How mint is that!?!

    Simply excellent service and very happy indead :D

    Haven't heard a peep out of TNT either, not a thing, and their investigator looked over the Zed weeks ago. If this serves as a warning to prospective clients interested in their services then buyer beware. They aren't in the business of good service or accountability IMHO.
  17. Fate

    Fate Evil Genius

    Great to hear that :thumbsup:

    We use to deal with TNT as a freight company to transport computers.


    Almost every computer that we received was smashed due to transit, we'd fix it under insurance and return only to have it sent back again because TNT had just treated it unkindly.


  18. MexiCandu

    MexiCandu Grumpy of the Grampians

    Great news Brad

    very pleased for you that you've got the right outcome:thumbsup::thumbsup:

  19. WYKKED

    WYKKED <b><font color=red>2 Much Trouble</font></b>

    That is excelent........>>

    Good to hear that the car is getting fixed and also good to hear that the company that quite a few of us pay a heap of money to each month/year is doing everything you would expect of them.
  20. XCRUZXx

    XCRUZXx The Flying Scotsman

    Great result

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