NEW TwinZ Design Type II side skirts (for Kaminari sides)

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by TheTwinZ (Peru), Jul 15, 2011.

  1. TheTwinZ (Peru)

    TheTwinZ (Peru) New Member

    These are our new side skirts that are specially made to be attached to the Kaminari side skirts. We will be also releasing the Type I version that will be made to attach to the the stock sides.

    These side skirts could be considered a prototype, since we can still make some changes to them if needed.

    - As much as our side skirts seem to be a lot lower, they aren't, since the Kaminaris are not flat on the bottom and we used that angle to fill it with our side skirts, making them flat to the ground when seeing them from the front, so our SS are just a bit lower on the lower part of the Kaminari SS (the corners close to the wheels).



    - Kaminaris are made with an arch shape on the bottom that sits higher on the center part and we didn't like that, so we made ours a little flatter to compensate that effect.


    - Our SS still sit higher than the bottom of the car, so the first thing you'll scrape on big bumps would be the testpipes on the exhaust system and chassis frame instead of the side skirts themselves.







  2. MoulaZX

    MoulaZX #TEAMROB


    I like em... now for the price...? :(


    URHYNS Well-Known Member

    $1 billion + shipping + cost of bubble wrap.
  4. lidz

    lidz Well-Known Member

    cool idea, looks like its inspired by the nismo sideskirts for the r34 gtr. Would suggest trying something similar though & adding 'pods' to the rear bar to flow it through as doesn't really flow with rear bar currently.
    Would work really well with a lip on the front bar too... :cool:

    Awesome work, keep it up.
  5. whoppersandwich

    whoppersandwich Le Canon De Douche

    love em, very interested pending price
  6. lidz

    lidz Well-Known Member

    quoting us$289 on the yanky forums, that's the target price via z1 but gives you a ballpark idea for local pricing
  7. Chad_

    Chad_ Well-Known Member

    they look great :cool: :zlove:
  8. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    looks alright , seems to flow a little with the rear bar. Move to america/australia already please :D
  9. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Still farting about on new projects!
    Where's my front bar? You know we have a master designer here I can turn to, arashi.
  10. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    whos that? never heard of him...
  11. Sanouske

    Sanouske Retired Moderator

    Wow man, that zed is seriously turning into something of awe.

    These tiny little trim bits make all the difference. I think it flows with the rear bar perfectly. It all comes down to colour matching.

    I like it!

    Now the million dollar question. How are these being attached? Being what they're make from, i would presume that if you scuff it enough the fixture points would become brittle and weaken over time. There doesnt seem to be a lot of "meat" there to support them.

    Sika and tekscrews?
  12. Hurrican

    Hurrican Member

    Nic going John you had to mention THAT word
  13. gargoyle

    gargoyle New Member

    Sorry, I'm getting desperate.
    I was wondering if I got a set of these and painted them gold to match the wheels and diffuser?
  14. Jinxed

    Jinxed Moderator

    have to say, dont really like it this time....brilliant fit and finish as alway from twinz, but struggling to like it enough to say "yeah id buy one"
  15. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    Oh those are sinfully pretty skirts.
  16. Altari

    Altari '89 2+2 TT Manual

    Main problem is that you would need to ALSO buy kaminari skirts and fillers.
  17. Benzed

    Benzed Member

    Hoooot!!!! I've decided I'm going to wait until you have that front bar available and then buy your rear bar, side skirts and front bar as a full body kit. You know you want to sell it as a full kit :D


    you can always fibreglass it to the kaminari skirt and make it a one piece
  19. WA300Z

    WA300Z ZD32WA

    Now release that rear wing then move on to other projects.
    With at least two layers of bubble wrap please :)
  20. Magic Z

    Magic Z New Member

    Make the sides one piece, then your on to a winner!! otherwise it just looks like another add on.. another on add on....add on.... to many add on bits looks crap as it stands out to much, I like the idea, but would be awesome as a one piece mold.

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