spoiler removal----hate this job

Discussion in 'Non Technical' started by Lovic, Jul 16, 2010.

  1. Lovic

    Lovic Non-member

    try to remove the rear spoiler today,
    take me whole day but still no go.
    it just stick there as hell:bash:
    i have ripped off one corner ...yes, one corner off!
    any thought?

    yes, i have done search already
  2. Kabir

    Kabir Well-Known Member

    It is a prick job. Took me whole day too. Heat gun or blower will help little. Or leave the car outside when it is summet to get the spoiler hot.
  3. Stef

    Stef Active Member

    I used a crowbar as I was going to do a brazilian and had to weld and repaint anyways.

    Then I changed my mind and put another one back on so had to fill up all the marks before painting it again.

    It's all cracked and bubbled again after many repaints so it's coming off again soon.

    GOTTAGO New Member

    I got mine of in about 20 minutes, after I took the light ouy and undid the nuts I just pulled really hard and pop.
  5. DinoZ

    DinoZ Talks sh#t for a living.

    Piano wire or metal guitar string makes it easy to cut through the tape holding it down. Apart from that its only two nuts and four plastic clips.
  6. Western Z

    Western Z special member

    its easier in warm to hot weather. a hair dryer might help if doing it in cold weather.
  7. Romonski

    Romonski And Justice For All

    just own that motherfker :D
  8. BADZX

    BADZX Grumpy old fart

    I used a 10inch wiltsheer staysharp serated knife, took about 15mins to remove the spoiler on my ZX and likewise on my sons ZX

    just slide the knife in under the spoiler and with a small sawing action you'll soon find the spots of urthane that glue the wing on.... keep sawing through the urthane....

    theres around 5~6 spots of urthane along the area directly below the glass and they are on average about 50mm back from the wing/hatch join.

    Working from one end of the wing..... keep the end elevated slightly (may need a mate to help), this will give you a bit more room for the knife. As the spots of urthane are cut elevate the end a tad more.

    Over forcing the wing WILL see the wing getting damaged or worse still, the hatch getting damaged...... the urthane is stuck real well
    steady as she goes captain ;)

  9. Lovic

    Lovic Non-member

    cheers men.

    the spoiler has been damaged already, ouch! will try again later :(
  10. tassuperkart

    tassuperkart Its a lie I tell you!

    An axe???!!!!!..............

  11. Gazza

    Gazza Active Member

    I sideswiped a cow at 100kph and it pulled the wing off for me:D
  12. Vizard

    Vizard Active Member

    took me forever to get the wing off as well, some people get lucky but others ( like my self ) have to deal with excessive amounts of sikaflex. i used a knife and a screw driver, piano wire isnt going to cut through 20 year old sikaflex.

    i ended up denting the hatch but its all been paneled n fixed up now.

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