Z32 How to mount LEDs in high beam without oem retainer?

Discussion in 'Technical' started by mitsoevo, Sep 13, 2021.

  1. mitsoevo

    mitsoevo New Member

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    TLDR: Does anyone have ideas or experienced mounting H1 LEDs with heat sinks etc that prevent mounting them using the oem high beam retainer, Thanks.

    Im wanting to mount LEDs in my high beam but most LEDs of good quality or better use cooling fans or heatsinks to maintain stable function. This is fine in cases such as the low beam where the retainer clip for the h3c/h3 is mounted on the back of the headlight housing and goes around the back of the globe, pressing on the back of the h3 plate and anchoring on the other side on the housing again. The high beam however requires the h1 globe to be inserted into a separate base consisting of the retaining clip which is then inserted and this base then holds itself into the high beam housing. This means that h1 LEDs consisting of heat sinks and fans etc cant be plugged into the high beam retainer and have no way of being held in place.

    So has anyone figured out a way to mount LEDs in this situation, im currently trying to pick up a spare set of high beam retainers in order to modify them to secure the h1 mounting plate of globes while leaving the retainer hollow for access to the rear.
  2. ivan129

    ivan129 Active Member

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    Yes, I've fitted LEDs. A big improvement over normal lamps. Sorry did them so long ago I really can't remember how I mounted them LED Headlights_Rear_LHS.jpg LED Headlights_Rear_RHS.jpg
  3. geron

    geron National Petroleum Equipm

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    I can't assist with this but as an alternative in case the LEDs don't work out for some reason, I recommend a set of PIAAs I think they are 4500k 55w @ 120+ and check and adjust if necessary the high beam headlight height adjustment, details can be found in the car workshop manual on the internet and easy to do. They are very powerful but damn expensive though at over $100 for a set nowadays.
  4. rodo

    rodo Senior Member

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